Plushbeds Botanical Bliss Vs Zenhaven – PlushBeds Black Friday 2022


Plushbeds Botanical Bliss Vs Zenhaven

The company holds a range of green certifications and utilizes organic products. The mattresses are made without harmful chemical and have wool and a an breathable cotton cover. This makes them a good option for anyone looking for an eco-friendly, healthy mattress. Additionally, they feature an innovative aerated foam base that keeps the temperature of the mattress at a moderate level. Plushbeds Botanical Bliss Vs Zenhaven.

Plushbeds Botanical Bliss Vs Zenhaven

How Firm is The Botanical Bliss Mattress?

Botanical Bliss mattresses come in two levels of firmness: medium and firm. Every model is fitted with a natural cotton cover that has been certified as organic by the Global Organic Textile Standard. The covers are constructed from wool from New Zealand, which makes them mildew-resistant.

The mattress’s moderate firmness is perfect for sleepers who are side-sleeping less than 130 pounds. However, heavier side sleepers may prefer a firmer mattress. A mattress that is medium firm will ease tension on the hips and keep your spine in a neutral position. A mattress that is firm is ideal for back sleepers of average weight or those who change positions frequently.

The Botanical Bliss mattress is made up of three layers including an ultra-soft top layer, and a medium-firm base layer. This permits greater airflow and fluff. However, it does not have an edge support that is firm.


PlushBeds Botanical Bliss mattress overview

The Botanical Bliss mattress is an ideal choice for back and stomach sleepers. The medium-firm construction is evenly distributed throughout the mattress, which prevents that your spine from sinking down into the bed. It also provides a decent amount of pressure relief and has great body conforming capabilities. Plushbeds Botanical Bliss Vs Zenhaven.

The Botanical Bliss mattress comes with the warranty for 25 years, and 100-night trial period. If you are not happy about the bed, PlushBeds will refund your money. You could also exchange the top layer for a more firm or soft one for no cost.

The Botanical Bliss mattress is made with all-natural materials. The company is particular about ensuring the products they sell are made from only organic materials. This Botanical Bliss Mattress also extremely customizable. It is available with a range of various levels of firmness ranging from Medium to Firm. Additionally, it comes with a bounce feature to combat the feeling of being stuck in bed. This adds to its romance-friendliness.

The PlushBeds Botanical BLS mattress comes with a warranty of 25 years. This is a standard for 10 years. It’s a mid-priced option. Its cost ranges from 1200-$2800. With 365 customer reviews and a high score from users, the PlushBeds Botanical Bliss mattress may be the perfect purchase for you. It offers superior support in all sleeping positions, great cooling and a rounded body shape.

What Does PlushBeds Feel Like?


The mattress’s feel is an essential factor in picking the right one for you. PlushBeds has a variety of degrees of firmness, meaning you can choose one that’s best for your needs. PlushBeds also provides a 100-night comfort guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied with the mattress you purchased then you are able to return it within the specified period for a new layer.

Mattresses made of latex are cooler than foam mattresses and help to maintain your body temperature. However, hybrids and innersprings provide the most effective temperature control. Those who often switch positions might want to think about a medium-firm mattress. When you want to change places, you can change the mattress according to your preference. Plushbeds Botanical Bliss Vs Zenhaven.

PlushBeds provides a range of mattresses split. One of them includes the Botanical Bliss. This is one of the hybrids made of latex, meaning it’s a bit more firm than previous models. Additionally, it comes with pillow tops.


Relaxing on the PlushBeds Botanical Bliss Mattress

The Botanical Bliss is an all-natural latex mattress that provides very little sinkage. It is also excellent in decreasing motion transfer. Its latex core is taut and assists in regulating the body’s temperature. This mattress is an excellent choice for those who prefer to shift between back and side sleeping.

Botanical Bliss Botanical Bliss is available in two firmness levels. The soft version is ideal for back and side sleepers, and is also ideal for those who experience back pain or are sensitive to the touch. The medium version is perfect for sleepers of all types and has a more firm Talalay latex layer.

Although the firmness of Botanical Bliss mattress is ideal for back sleepers, it may not be suitable for heavier people. The lack of support in the hips, shoulders and buttocks could lead to tension points and an inadequate spinal alignment.


PlushBeds Reviews Sleeper Types

Plushbeds Botanical Bliss Vs Zenhaven

There are a variety of sleepers, and PlushBeds has a wide range of mattresses to meet every. A firmer mattress can be ideal for back sleepers, but should you prefer sleeping on your stomach or your side then a soft mattress is better for you. PlushBeds are also available in split-construction with the option of choosing the firmness level that will best fit your needs.

PlushBeds gives free shipping to the adjacent U.S. However, you might have to pay an additional shipping cost if your order is outside of the U.S. The company makes each mattress for each customer, so delivery could take between five and 7 business days. PlushBeds also provides free curbside pickup.

Latex mattresses are made using natural materials. The natural latex used for PlushBeds Natural Bliss mattresses is comprised of three layers with a thick organic cotton cover. The natural latex yields to pressure and forms into the shape of the body. In addition, the organic cotton cover is resistant to flames.

The Botanical Bliss mattress performance
The Botanical Blizs mattress from PlushBeds is manufactured by the USA and comes with a long list of certifications. It holds the A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau, is high on Trustpilot, and is a socially responsible company.

The Botanical Blizs mattress from PlushBeds offers a split-build option for optimal firmness. This makes it ideal for sleepers of average weight. It also comes with choices for side, back, as well as stomach-sleepers. If, however, you’re heavier than the average it is possible to consider a medium-firm mattress.

While latex mattresses may not always perform in the same way that more sluggish foam mattresses but this Botanical Bliss offers an excellent solution for couples sharing beds. Its unique properties in latex help isolate motion, and it regulates temperatures. Its Botanical Bliss also provides sufficient contour and support to help you get a restful night’s sleeping.

The Botanical Bliss mattress comes with two different firmness levels that are medium and soft. The organic wool cover and cotton cover give you the best durability and comfort, which is a fantastic value. Plushbeds Botanical Bliss Vs Zenhaven.


How Much Is A Botanical Bliss Mattress?

The PlushBed Botanical Bliss mattress is a handmade, organic latex mattress that’s made to specific specifications. The mattress is delivered by FedEx and typically takes approximately 7-9 days to arrive at your door. When it arrives you have to give the mattress at least 24 to 48 hours to break down prior to using it. Fortunately, PlushBed does not charge an additional fee to set up the mattress. In addition, they provide contact numbers of local craftsmen willing to assist in setting up.

Its Botanical Bliss mattress has three layers of latex that can be removed or replaced to fit your personal preferences. It also provides support throughout the entire mattress, which will prevent you from feeling like you’re falling out of bed. The high-quality materials mean it’s suitable for back and stomach sleepers as well.

PlushBeds provides a 100-night trial and free returns which means you can test before purchasing. Typically, it takes a couple of weeks for a brand new mattress to become comfortable therefore, be patient and allow time for it to adapt with your physique.



PlushBeds is a business which sells mattresses that are made from natural latex and foam that is certified. They also offer mattress for couches as well as RVs. Being a member of the Better Business Bureau, they are committed to customer satisfaction. Alongside manufacturing organic and certified foam mattresses, they also aim to produce eco-friendly products. It also is in compliance with all safety standards.

The company’s products contain latex foam which has been sustainably harvested, ensuring that they are strong and comfortable. The company’s latex mattresses also come with the CertiPUR(r) certification for the poly-foam layer. This layer helps keep the mattress cool while preventing it from sliding or creating body impressions. The mattress’s top layer consists of natural latex. The size of the layer varies depending on the mattress you buy.

Moreover, the company offers various kinds and sizes of mattresses. They also offer an unconditional warranty on its mattresses. The company’s mattresses are not expensive, but they are more affordable than comparable brands available at the store. In addition, a natural latex mattress will not only give you a healthy, healthy sleep and a healthy body, but also be beneficial to the environment. Plushbeds Botanical Bliss Vs Zenhaven.

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